Sunday, June 6, 2010

as I attended lots and lots of weddings...(PART ONE)

I started to think "hmm what kind of wedding that I want for my own?..." Not that I have a candidate (oh my)...but there is no harm to ever dream or at least have a thought about it kan ^_^

So the first thing that ever strike me whenever I go for weddings is THEME COLOR...

I used to imagine myself in black and red wedding theme...or black and white...haha. I basically love black. And black is sooooo not a good color for weddings but funerals. But as I've been to lots and lots of weddings these few years, I think white or ivory is the perfect color. Always.

Being too BLUE or too RED or too GREEN is not wedding but coloring contest haha. Wedding is so sacred that to me the best color is white. and to add to the color, i'll pick black...hahaha. There goes my wedding theme color :P...

(but my wedding dress or dresses (haha) definitely be white...perfectly white.

The next thing that always be my concern when it comes to wedding is FOOD!!!

Not that I'm a big eater when I go to weddings but good food to me (and also to my parents and also to my grandpa) is the success of a wedding.

when I was little and when we went back to our Kampung, and usually on weekends, my grandma would not prepare lunch as they had too many wedding invitations to attend. And my parents, being so lazy, would wait at home until my grandpa came back and brought home all the nasi minyak bungkus and telur pindang (AND MY WEDDING WILL HAVE TELUR PINDANG signifies me as orang JOHOR)...

and first comment my Grandpa would make was "Ni dari kenduri si A, boleh tahan la, dia panggil Pak Z masak, memang terror Pak Z tu... Ni kenduri si B...simpan je la, x berapa sedap, esok pagi buat nasi goreng". Since then, I look high on good nasi minyak ^_^

I know it is so mean of us but I'm sure some of you have been to many weddings and you might make some comments on the food like..."sedap giler ayam masak merah umah A" or "ala nasi dia hangit la".

I've talked to one of the best Nasi Minyak cook in our kampung (I hope he is still alive to cook on my wedding but he is not strong like he used to be, diabetes took his leg). He said to make the best nasi minyak is to used dapur api (or dapur kayu) and not dapur gas...therefore, if I were to call him to cook for my weddings....hahaha i definitely need to bring all the kayu and all other things from Muar as he is so particular...

AND...for wedding drinks, nothing beats Sirap Bandung Soda. And the Soda not typical ice cream soda sold in Giant or Tesco or any shop...but those sold in glass bottle by Uncle Lim in Muar...hahaha... Second best Sirap Bandung but with no soda can be found in Batu Pahat (Beriani Mat Shah and Sirap Bandung=awesome)

ok that is all for now...will continue later :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

as the title of this blog says...

It has been a year since the last time I wrote on my previous blog Since then I started to write Notes in my Facebook. And then I stopped again.

And yesterday after having a cup of coffee at Dome while working on the handover of works from my ex-boss
, I've decided to write again. Thanks to that coffee which had me to stay up late and wide awake at 2am in the morning doing nothing but selecting layout for my new blog.

Hopefully, this will be a new start of me being serious in writing. Like seriously serious. Previously I wrote about my student..and this new blog may be about this new phase of me and hopefully more academic (haha) and more mature (double haha). We'll see...

Till then, see you around